Tagged: reporting


How child abusers trick kids

There are lots of ways the grownup can trick the kid into thinking that their abuse is OK or trick the kid into thinking the kid should not tell someone about the abuse. It does not matter what the grownup says. If they are hurting you, by hitting you, being mean to you, or sexually abusing you, then you need to tell someone about it. There is NOT A SINGLE REASON for you to keep it a secret – no matter what the grownup says.


I’m a kid that is being abused – what should I do?

First off, lets get two things straight. Write these down, say them to yourself three times a day, whatever it takes to get these two things in your head. They are VERY important. (1) This is not your fault. (2) You must tell someone about this. Here’s how to do it.

Help break silence against child sexual abuse campaign begins 0

Help break silence against child sexual abuse campaign begins

Can you tell if your child is a victim of sexual abuse? Does your child know how to distinguish between safe and unsafe touch? Schools in the city are trying hard to make sure that they do. An awareness campaign has been kicked off in many city pre-schools to educate parents and children on how to detect and deal with child sexual abuse.


Report a Child Abuser

Afraid to contact the local authorities about a child abuse incident or would rather remain anonymous? You may report an child abuser here.


What to do if you think a child is being abused

For professionals that work with children, such as teachers, doctors, or counselors, strict laws covering the reporting of child abuse. However, for others when and how to report suspected child abuse is often unclear. What is generally understood though, is that if child abuse is suspected, it should be reported.


Signs of sexual abuse

The sexual abuse of a child is something that occurs across all ethnic and socio-economic boundaries. The abuse often goes undiscovered because the child is afraid to talk about it. There are signs you can look for though. The presence of a single sign does not prove child abuse is occurring in a family; however, when these signs appear repeatedly or in combination you should take a closer look at the situation and consider the possibility of child abuse.